1st Grade Bucket O Rocks Panel

What is a "Bucket O' Rocks"?

The Bucket O'Rocks program was developed to help 1st Grade educators in local rural schools teach earth science. The "ready-to-go" buckets contain a variety of samples and activities to engage students in their classroom and help them understand the role rocks play in our everyday life, as well as how rocks differ from one another. The accompanying learning materials can be accessed below. 

How can I get a Bucket O' Rocks for my classroom?

Teachers can put together their own Bucket O' Rocks if they already have samples in their classroom and use them with the activities we have developed, or they can borrow one free of charge through our Loaner Kits program. For information about teacher training/ professional development workshops for 1st Grade educators and obtaining Bucket O' Rocks for schools , please contact our Outreach Coordinator at mckinneymuseum@appstate.edu

1st Grade Bucket O Rocks in Action