Deep Time Toolbox for Educators

NCSTA Workshop Attendees- DEEP TIME TOOLBOX Slides and attendee (8th Grade) package (4th Grade version of these materials can be found here

The "Deep Time Toolbox" educational materials were created as part of the professional development workshop of the same name. The program was funded by the Paleontological Society of America and geared towards 4th and 8th grade educators in North Carolina. The materials however, are not specific to North Carolina and can be used at any higher elementary/ middle school level, as well as high school. The GES department at AppState has Deep Time Toolbox loaner kits. If you're in the Western NC area and would like to borrow one, please contact our K12 Outreach Coordinator Marta Toran ( 

Feel free to use any of the materials below. If you'd like to modify any of the resources, please contact Marta Toran for the editable versions. 

Geologic Timeline Activities


Personal Timelines- Teacher instructions and student handout. This is a great activity created by Judith Scotchmoor that helps students understand geologic timelines and the concept of relative dating by creating a timeline of events from their own lives. The original lesson plan can be found at Timelines (4th Grade)

Personal Timelines (8th Grade)

zeros_analogy.pngMillions and Billions- It's difficult to picture numbers as large as hundreds of millions or billions when referring to geologic deep time. This activity helps students to picture these large numbers by visualizing how many zeros are involved. Source: Jonathan Hendricks

felt_ruler_400px.pngFelt Rulers Timeline- The “Felt Ruler Geologic Timeline model” can be used as an Engager to introduce the topic of geologic time and illustrate the evolution of the major forms of life students in 4th grade would be familiar with (plants, mammals, dinosaurs, humans, etc). Note however that the ruler only portrays the last 2 Billion years of the Earth’s history. The activity can be followed by a role play using a 50m timeline where every meter is 100 Million years, and by the nail file analogy which is a great way to show the scope of human history within the Earth’s history. 

untitled_design_400x.pngTimeline Teacher Cheat Sheet- This conversion chart will come in handy for teachers trying to recreate a geologic time scale in their classroom to scale. For example: students, can represent different life forms along a 50m or 50 feet timeline. This is a useful drawing too. 

early_earth_thumbnail_400px.pngEarly Earth Activity- In this concept sorting activity, students first organize in chronological order a series of photos of early Earth environments. They then place the fossil specimens on top of the corresponding early Earth, based on when they think they would have evolved. The activity is meant to uncover preconceptions about fossils and geologic time. 

4th Grade Teacher Instructions & Images
Early Earth Environment Images for 4th Grade in Slide Form

8th Grade Teacher Instructions & Images
Early Earth Environment images for 8th grade in Slide Form





mini_deep_time_workshop_slides_8th_grade_ncsta_1.jpgFossil or Not Student Handout- To spark discussions about what constitutes a fossil and what doesn't, as well as provide students the opportunity to observe, draw, and record information about some fossil samples. 



Mystery Fossils- Teachers often inherit treasure troves of fossils from others who inhabited the classroom before them. Random fossils offer a great opportunity for students to practice their inquiry skills to figure out what they are, what modern organisms they were related to, what period they lived in, etc. If you have fossils that you can't identify, please send photos to for ID. 

"Engager" slideshow as an introduction to types of fossils.

Mystery Fossils- a collection of slides with images of a variety of common fossils. Students match their mystery fossil to the images in the slides to find out the name of the specimen and some basic information about it. 

screenshot_2024-12-13_at_11.26.38_pm.pngFossil Classification Cards- With these fossil photo cards, students can think about how fossils are classified into groups based on their characteritstics. The original activity and complete lesson plan by Dr. Amie Patchen can be found at  

mini_deep_time_workshop_slides_8th_grade_ncsta_0.jpgFossil Types Chart- A simple handout with some examples of common fossils.  A more advanced handout with examples of marine invertebrate fossils can be found here

screenshot_2024-12-13_at_11.19.01_pm.pngAurora Fossil Sediment Station Signs- Can be used as table signs or slides describing the Aurora phosphate mine sediment and showing some examples of things students might come across while sifting through the sediment.  The fossil record sheet and follow-up questions can be used for drawing fossils students find in the sediment, then reading a short passage about the Aurora phosphate mine sediment and answering questions about it. 



Devonian Fossil Set- This set includes 15 casts of real Devonian fossils that can be used by students to practice categorizing and identifying common marine fossils from the Devonian period. Please request a set for your classroom by contact Outreach Coordinator Marta Toran (

Devonian Fossil Set Key

Fossilization Methods


Fossilize-Me! Concept Sorting activity-  Introduces students to various, simplified methods of fossilization based on the type of fossil it results in (mold, cast, trace and body). It can be used as an engager or as a review activity or game. 

Fossilize-Me! Concept Sorting Activity for 8th Grade(Teacher Instructions)
Puzzle pieces for Printing (8th Grade)

Fossilize-Me! Concept Sorting Activity for 4th Grade (Teacher Instructions) -includes puzzle pieces for printing-

What's Your Type? Student Handout- Knowledge check to determine understanding of different types of fossilization methods.


screenshot_2024-12-13_at_10.52.00_pm.pngFossilization Stations- Includes teacher instructions for how to set up each station (fossils in sediment, fossils in ice, fossils in cast and mold, fossils in tar pits) and table tents (geared towards 4th grade). 

molding_and_casting_activity_pic.jpgMolding and Casting Instructions and Table Signs- Demonstrate how to make a mold fossil and a cast using Air Dry Clay or Plastilina (a firmer clay) and PlayDoh (a softer clay). 



Geologic Dating

exploring_cross_cutting_relationships_400px.jpgExploring Crosscutting Relationships Activity- In this activity (designed by Tim Martin), students examine a pre-made foam board that has undergone different “processes” and determine the order of actions done to the board. This modeling activity shows how scientists use cross-cutting relationships in geology as clues to determine the ages of rock layers and geologic timelines.              

Slides for Crosscutting Relationships Activity

Crosscutting Relationships Student Handout


img_3884.jpgBiostratigraphy- In this activity,  PVC pipe and foamboard models of rock cores are used for students to practice analyzing rock layers and index fossils . 

Biostratigraphy Activity for 4th grade (includes explanation of activity and printable, simplified model)

Biostratigraphy Activity for 8th grade (includes teacher instructions for making models, background information and handout with questions.