Information for Advisors
- Advising "cheat sheet" for faculty advisors
- Advising "cheat sheet": contains allowable substitutions, PHY 11XX new numbers, honors requirements (university vs departmental), minimum grade info, GES 275X registration guidance, etc. (only GES faculty have access to this document)
- Permit, override, and elective group signup spreadsheets
- GES 2750/2751/2752 advising, permits, and overrides
- GES 2750/2751/2752 permit spreadsheet (only GES faculty have access to this document)
- GES 2750/2751/2752 - general info
- Permits and Overrides
- Permit and override signup spreadsheet for all other GES classes This spreadsheet is for GES classes that require permission of instructor, junior/senior standing, etc. Only GES advisors have access to this document - students if you are requesting a permit or override for a GES class, you must talk to your advisor or the Department Chair so they can fill out this form on your behalf.
- BS Environmental Science - Earth Systems Science elective selection
- elective group signup sheet for ENV ESS majors (only GES faculty have access to this document)
- course list for the Earth System Science elective focus groups (Hydrosphere, BIosphere, Atmosphere, Surface Processes, Earth Materials)
- GES 2750/2751/2752 advising, permits, and overrides
Information for Current Students
Meeting with your GES advisor:
- Every GES major is assigned a faculty advisor, even before you are able to formally declare your major. If you have less than 30 hours of credits, you will be required to sign up for early career science advising. Emails from the Department Chair and your assigned early career advisor will send out information for how to do this.
- Regardless of where you are in the major, you will be unable to register for classes until you meet with your GES faculty advisor who will give you your registration PIN. Don't know who your advisor is? Log in to DegreeWorks and it will show you up at the top of the page.
- Do not assume you can skip your advising appointment and still get into the classes you need to graduate on time. We do not give out PINs until you meet with us!
Essential Links:
Am I in the right major?
- Is the program of study I've chosen right for my career goals? (make sure that you don't have any misconceptions about what your chosen degree and concentration will actually train you to do!)
- GES Programs of Study
What classes do I need?
- DegreeWorks (familiarize yourself with this program!). DegreeWorks allows you to do the following things:
- check your overall GPA
- see what courses you still have left to take
- do "What if" scenarios where you see what courses you'd still need if you change your major or concentration or catalog year
- see what notes your advisor has left you about what classes you should take
- if any transfer credit or AP credit has been applied to your required courses
- if you are on track with your Gen Ed requirements and designators
- Prerequisites in GES (pdf of large format prereq/coreq flow chart)
Registering for classes
- Registrar's Office - search for classes by term
- When can I register?
- Registering for GES 2750/2751/2752
- Registering for Chemistry (CHE 1101/1110, CHE 1102/1120)
Bulletin and Four-Year Guides
Transfer Course Equivalency and Junior Year Abroad programs
- Transfer Course Equivalency
- Education Abroad Programs through Appalachian
- Planning to do a year or semester somewhere else, particularly at a school that App is not associated with? Be sure to read this first.
General Education
- Change your Gen Ed themes (via Appalnet)
- General Education program of study (scroll down to bottom of page to get most recent)
Changing or declaring your major, minor, or concentration, and changing Gen Ed themes:
- Declare your major (if you have more than 30 hours, have completed RC1000 and UCO1200, and have at least a 2.0 GPA)
- Change of major/minor/catalog year (if already declared, and have at least a GPA of 2.0... but concentration changes do not require a minimum GPA)
Honors and Independent Studies
- Honors Program Requirements
- Honors contract for GES courses (PDF)
- Senior Thesis (4501/4510) course approval form (PDF)
- CAS Independent Study Forms (PDF)
Miscellaneous Contacts/Info
- CAS advising - office contacts (email addresses for advisor-approved courses and overrides - scroll to bottom of page)
- Senior Exams (to be discontinued Fall 2024)