
The Department of Geological and Environmental Sciences is housed in the Rankin Science Complex.

Please see the departmental space policy for guidelines for use of space and facilities in GES.

Our facilities include:

  • The Fred Webb Jr. Outdoor Geology Laboratory
  • The F. Kenneth & Marjorie J. McKinney Geology Teaching Museum
  • The William C. and Ruth Ann Dewel Microscopy Facility 
    • JEOL JSM-IT-300LV low vacuum scanning electron microscope with LaB6 filament, with an Oxford AZtecEnergy Xmax 150 silicon drift energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDS) system and integrated NordlysNano electron backscatter diffraction (EBSD) capabilities, and a Gatan ChromaCL2 color cathodoluminescence (CL) detector
    • JEOL JEM-1400 TEM with an Oxford Xplore TEM 80 mm2 EDS detector
    • a Zeiss LSM 510 Confocal Laser Scanning Microscope
    • additional light microscopes (oil immersion, etc.) with digital imaging and video capabilities
    • sample preparation facility with a Leica microtome, Polaron critical point dryer, etc.
  • An Isoprime precisION Isotope Ratio Mass Spectrometer. This mass spectrometer is currently configured to run solid and liquid state carbonate samples to measure d13C and d18O values using the isoFlow carbonate analyzer with automatic vial flushing and acidification. 
  • A fission track laboratory with Autoscan Systems fission track image capture and processing software (FastTracks, and TrackWorks), and Autoscan Systems automated stage mounted on a Zeiss Axio Imager.M2.m transmitted and reflected light petrographic microscope with 10x, 20x, 50x, and 100x objectives, and 10x binocular multiplier.
  • A zircon separation facility
  • A dedicated EBSD sample polishing facility
  • A wellfield with 16 monitoring wells and a stream gauge (all with In Situ AquaTroll real-time monitoring instruments), and two additional stream gauges on Boone Creek with web-based real-time monitoring data
  • An state-of-the-art optical microscopy laboratory with HD digital photography and videography
  • A RELION cathodoluminescense (CL) microscopy system
  • A Bettersizer S3 Plus particle size and shape analyzer with a BT-803 wet dispersion system
  • An X-ray diffraction laboratory (with a Shimadzu 6000 XRD system with Crystal Impact Match! software for mineral identification)
  • A Keyence 3-D Digital Microscopy System
  • A Dionex ICS-1600 Ion Chromatograph
  • A suite of near-surface geophysical surveying equipment, including:
    • A Sensors and Software Pulse Ekko Pro Ground Penetrating Radar Bi-Static system with 50, 100, and 200 MHz antennas.
    • An AGI Supersting R8 Direct Current Resistivity array with 28 Electrodes.
    • A Geometrics Geode 24-Channel Hammer Seismic Array (for seismic refraction surveying).
    • A Geometrics Proton Procession Magnetometer.
  • A Cole Parmer EW-83057-10 UV/Visible Spectrophotometer
  • Air quality monitoring and research facilities (APPALAIR)
  • A computer modeling lab and visualization laboratory
  • The Johnny A. Waters Undergraduate Research Laboratory (aka "the URL" - a state-of-the-art computing facility, for GES majors only - all GES majors are given a key to this lab).
  • A comprehensive rock, mineral, and fossil repository
  • A wide variety of field equipment, wet chemistry equipment, and fossil preparation equipment (including molding and 3-D printing)

It is also possible to use equipment in other departments, such as a Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (Department of Chemistry), Raman spectroscopy, and focused ion beam systems (Department of Physics), among other equipment. Additionally, students in introductory classes can get tutoring help from GES majors in the Answersphere.

We are also now hosting the digital archives of Southeastern Geology.