
Environmental Field Days for Watauga County 5th Graders
Sep 8, 2019

The GES Department participated for the first time this year in the county-wide 5th Grade Environmental Field days hosted by the Watauga Soil and Wate...

GES Hosts Two More Summer Workshops for Teachers
Aug 27, 2019

Our GES Summer Workshops for Educators series continued this summer with a repeat of the well-received Rockin' NC program that we offered for the firs...

Students learning in the Department's mobile laboratory

GES outreach engages >5,000 students in one year, with industry and government partners
Aug 13, 2019

Outreach Coordinator Marta Toran reached over 5,000 K-12 students in the 2018-2019, with help from numerous Geological and Environmental Sciences majo...

Klyce speaks with fellow GES major Neeshell Bradley-Lewis at OSR poster day

Annie Klyce shows opportunities available to GES majors
Aug 13, 2019

Appalachian Today profiled Annie Klyce, a 2019 Geological and Environmental Sciences (GES) graduate, to highlight her achievemetns and experiences as ...

Rachel Gaines

GES major and Distinguished Senior Rachel Gaines profiled in Appalachian Today
Jun 28, 2019

Rachel Gaines, Environmental Science major, GES Distinguished Senior, and student athlete, is profiled in Appalachian more......


AGES outreach 2019 - $100,000 of grants and partnerships
Jun 24, 2019

In 2019, AGES is on track to bring in more then $100,000 in outreach funding.  Our department has a successful outreach program, with such initia...

App State as top-20 school for outdoor enthusiasts - particularly geology majors!
Jun 24, 2019

To quote quantitative geoscience major Bryson Honeycutt  '21, "Studying geology in Boone is almost like looking at the entire world in one place....

GES major Carly Maas measuring water in Boone Creek

GES research on stormwater management coupled with public policy
Jun 13, 2019

Coupled research between public policy, stormwater management, and water quality has been published by GES faculty and students in the Journal of Hydr...

Picture Yourself as an Earth Scientist

Picture Yourself as an Earth Scientist
May 31, 2019

GES Outreach Coordinator Marta Toran has received a grant from the American Geophysical Union to expand the "Picture Yourself as an Earth Scientist" K...

Dr Steve Hageman examines samples on a UNC Institute of Marine science research vessel

Dr Steve Hageman helps make Appalachian and UNC system leader in Fulbright recipients
May 10, 2019

Dr Steve Hageman was highlighted in a UNC system article  celebrating Appalachian and UNC-system-wide success in receiving Fulbrig...