My work focuses on developing and applying methods, models and human processes to integrate and co-create knowledge across boundaries – disciplinary, sectoral, cultural, geographic – to lead research teams in addressing complex global challenges. I came to this work through problem-based convergent research in the field of nanomaterial environment, health and safety research, which coalesced a broad range of expertise and methods to elucidate what governs nanomaterial behavior and impacts, and translate this understanding into directional guidance for managing potential risks. I have since expanded to facilitate convergent research addressing a broader range of wicked environmental and societal problems, particularly emerging and complex risks characterized by pervasive uncertainty. I draw on my home disciplines of environmental engineering and risk assessment, on the science of team science, and on integration and implementation science (I2S). Methods include data integration, knowledge mapping and network visualization, structured facilitation, and co-establishment of shared language for spanning boundaries in context of a shared goal.
- BS in Industrial Engineering from Texas A&M University
- Professional Masters degree in Environmental Analysis and Decision Making from Rice University,
- PhD in Environmental Engineering from Duke University
Website(s) & CV
- Dr Hendren founded the INTEREACH community of practice
- Curriculum vitae
Select Publications
- Geitner, N.K., Hendren, C.O., Cornelis, G., Kaegi, R., Lead, J.R., Lowry, G.V., Lynch, I., Nowack, B., Petersen, E., Bernhardt, E. and Brown, S., (2019). Harmonizing across environmental nanomaterial testing media for increased comparability of nanomaterial datasets. Environmental Science: Nano.
- Karcher, S., Willighagen, E.L., Rumble, J., Ehrhart, F., Evelo, C.T., Fritts, M., Gaheen, S., Harper, S.L., Hoover, M.D., Jeliazkova, N., Lewinski, N., Robinson, R.L.M., Mills, K.C., Mustad, A.P., Thomas, D.G., Tsiliki, G., and Hendren, C.O., (2018) Integration among Databases and Data Sets to Support Productive Nanotechnology: Challenges and Recommendations. NanoImpact, 9, 85-101.
- Hendren, C. O., Lowry, G. V., Unrine, J. M., & Wiesner, M. R. (2015). A functional assay-based strategy for nanomaterial risk forecasting. Science of the Total Environment, 536, 1029-1037.
- Hendren, C. O.; Powers, C. M.; Hoover, M. D.; Harper, S. L., (2015) The Nanomaterial Data Curation Initiative: A collaborative approach to assessing, evaluating, and advancing the state of the field. Beilstein J. Nanotechnol., 6, 1752-1762.

Title: Vice Provost for Research & Innovation, Professor: Nanomaterial Risk Assessment and Integration and Implementation Sciences (I2S)
Department: Department of Geological and Environmental Sciences
Email address: Email me
Phone: (828) 262-2764