Dr. Jamie S. Levine

Dr. Levine joined the faculty at Appalachian State University in the fall of 2012.  She is best described as a structural petrologist, who combines approaches from structural geology and metamorphic petrology to investigate the interactions between deformation and metamorphism. Dr. Levine conducts field work on scales from centimeters to kilometers in conjunction with detailed microstructural and mineral chemistry analysis.  Her recent work has focused on the role of strain in promoting partial melting in migmatites, and positive feedbacks that exist between partial melting reactions and deformation. She is a winner of the 2024-2025 Board of Governor's Teaching Award.


  • B.A. Carleton College
  • M.S. University of Texas – Austin
  • Ph.D. University of Texas – Austin

Courses Taught

  • GES 2250 - Evolution of the Earth
  • GES 2750 - Preparation for Careers in the Earth and Environmental Sciences
  • GES 2751 - Geology Field Methods
  • GES 3220 - Fundamentals of Mineralogy
  • GES 1102 - Historical Geology (labs)
  • GES 4835 - Summer Field Geology


Recent Publications

Visit Dr. Levine's profile on Google Scholar.

  • Levine, J. S. F., Merschat, A. J., McAleer, R. J., Casale, G., Quillan, K. R., Fraser, K. I., & BeDell, T. G. (2018). Kinematic, Deformational, and Thermochronologic Conditions Along the Gossan Lead and Fries Shear Zones: Constraining the Western‐Eastern Blue Ridge Boundary in Northwestern North Carolina. Tectonics37(10), 3500-3523.
  • Casale, G., Levine, J. S., Craig, T. D., & Stewart, C. (2017). Timing and deformation conditions of the Tallulah Falls dome, NE Georgia: Implications for the Alleghanian orogeny. GSA Bulletin129(9-10), 1195-1208.
  • Levine, J. S., Mosher, S., & Rahl, J. M. (2016). The role of subgrain boundaries in partial melting. Journal of Structural Geology89, 181-196.
  • Levine, J. S., Mosher, S., & Siddoway, C. S. (2013). Relationship between syndeformational partial melting and crustal-scale magmatism and tectonism across the Wet Mountains, central Colorado. Lithosphere5(5), 456-476.
Title: Professor: Structure, Tectonics, and Metamorphic Petrology, (she/her/hers)
Department: Department of Geological and Environmental Sciences

Email address: Email me

Phone: (828) 262-2166