Dr. Gabriele M. Casale

Dr. Casale joined the Department in 2011. His research interests are in the complex interplay between contemporaneous shortening and extension in active mountain belts from a field structural geology perspective. His research is centered around the structural geology and tectonic evolution of the southern Appalachians, and the Eocene-present tectonic evolution of the Adria continental block as it is consumed beneath Eurasia and the Apennines.

He is currently constructing 2D geometric interpretations across the External Dinarides in Croatia and Bosnia to quantify the minimum amount of shortening that has taken place along the Eastern margin of Adria during mountain building in the Dinaric foreland, as well as investigating the timing and nature of mid-crustal exhumation in the Dinaric hinterland. On the Western margin of Adria, he is investigating the role of fluids in fabric development along low angle normal faults developed in the wake of the easterly migrating Apenninic subduction zone.

Dr. Casale is also a 2018 Board of Governors Teaching Excellence Award winner.


  • B.S. (Geology) University of Minnesota
  • M.S. (Earth and Space Sciences) University of Washington
  • Ph.D. (Earth and Space Sciences) University of Washington

Courses Taught

  • GES 1101 - Introduction to Physical Geology
  • GES 3150 - Principles of Structural Geology and Tectonics
  • GES 4210 - Senior Seminar
  • GES 4835 - Summer Field Geology

Website and CV

Select Publications

  • Riegel H, Casale G, Mirabella F, Hyland E, Talegalli L. (2022). Deep external fluid source along the Gubbio normal fault (Italy): Implications for slip along the Altotiberina active low-angle normal fault system, Frontiers in Earth Science, doi.org/10.3389/feart.2022.811339
  • Casale, G., Levine, J. S., Craig, T. D., & Stewart, C. (2017). Timing and deformation conditions of the Tallulah Falls dome, NE Georgia: Implications for the Alleghanian orogeny. GSA Bulletin129(9-10), 1195-1208.
  • Casale, G., & Pratt, T. L. (2015). Thin‐or thick‐skinned faulting in the Yakima fold and thrust belt (WA)? Constraints from kinematic modeling of the Saddle Mountains anticline. Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America105(2A), 745-752.
  • Bennett, R. A., Serpelloni, E., Hreinsdóttir, S., Brandon, M. T., Buble, G., Basic, T., Casale G., ... & Minelli, G. (2012). Syn‐convergent extension observed using the RETREAT GPS network, northern Apennines, Italy. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth117(B4).
  • Bennett, R. A., Hreinsdóttir, S., Buble, G., Bašić, T., Bačić, Z., Marjanović, M., Casale G., ... & Cowan, D. (2008). Eocene to present subduction of southern Adria mantle lithosphere beneath the Dinarides. Geology36(1), 3-6.
Title: Professor: Structural Geology
Department: Department of Geological and Environmental Sciences

Email address: Email me

Phone: (828) 262-2746